It's funny how the first few times of me playing Minecraft had been replaying in my head (to the point where I definitely had dreams about blocks!?) It was these thoughts that got me psyched up and I decided that I was now determined to NOT GET KILLED!
Cue my next attempt at Minecraft.
I got killed.
BUT not before I managed to build a small, basic house. Yes it's currently only made out of dirt but it's a house and it's close to the Academy - so I will never loose it! I like to go and hide in it when it gets dark, although I did get a sneaky skeleton that was shooting me through my 'windows'. I have also been doing some googling for 'recipes' - this led me to be able to build a crafting table. Sadly the tools I made were lost when I got into a fight with some angry man on fire that my wooden pick axe was just no match for and I died....
Every time I respawn I panic because I always feel like I have no idea where I am! Also I think I saw one of those 'creatures' that we're not supposed to make eye contact with, it's safe to say I tried to move away from him and keep my eyes down.
Also something I need to remember; wolves can and will kill if provoked! Hunger can make you a risk taker (or an idiot).